5 Money Spells, Rituals, and Chants to Attract Wealth
Updated on September 27, 2018

Money Spells to Attract Wealth
you unhappy with your current financial situation and in desperate need
of cash There's nothing worse than working hard at a job and watching
your entire paycheck get devoured by bills. Let's face it: After awhile,
it can become depressing.
Did you know that by calling the right kind of energy, you can creative positive financial change? It's true. Good things don’t happen randomly in life. Instead, we attract them through our thoughts and intentions.
Depending upon your mindset, one of those good things can be money. Based on ancient Wiccan lore, you can draw wealth to yourself by casting specific spells.
Did you know that by calling the right kind of energy, you can creative positive financial change? It's true. Good things don’t happen randomly in life. Instead, we attract them through our thoughts and intentions.
Depending upon your mindset, one of those good things can be money. Based on ancient Wiccan lore, you can draw wealth to yourself by casting specific spells.
We attract money through our thoughts and intentions.
Setting Up the Scene
Before you start casting spells, you need to make sure you have the right surroundings. Most spells are performed at an altar, which is often the center of Wiccan rites. The altar serves as a workspace for your spells.It's easy to make an altar. To construct yours, you will need a small table that you won’t be using for anything else. You can use the top of a cabinet that is used for other purposes (such as your dresser) as long as the top is reserved entirely for the altar and isn't used for anything else.
You may make your altar “portable” so that you can bring it out when you’re casting spells and put it away when you’re not using it.
It is important that your altar feels personal and is a reflection of your beliefs.
How do I set up an altar?
- To set up the altar, cover the surface with a cloth of your liking and place items on it that ignite or reflect your faith.
- Most altars hold symbols of the four elements which are lined with the four principal directions. In the north aspect of your altar, place a bowl of soil or sand to represent earth. Put an incense stick in the east to represent air, a candle or piece of charcoal in the south for fire, and a bowl of water in the west.
- You can also use goddess candles or other idols that are a part of your tradition, and set them on the altar as you see fit.
- You can also place the tools used in your spells on the altar.
Now that you’ve created the perfect setting for your spells, it’s time to cast them.
Here are five spells that are powerful and easy to perform.
1. The Money Spell
This is a basic candle spell. It may be done at any time of day, but preferably at the same time on each day. You will need:- a green candle (unburnt)
- a white candle (unburnt)
- oil (any kind you prefer)
- The first step is to anoint (smear or rub) the candles with the oil (known as “charging” the candle). As you do this, focus on your purpose and visualize the wealth you are to receive.
- Place the candles on your altar, nine inches apart from each other. Exactly where or what position is not important, but they must be nine inches apart.
- Light the candles and chant these words:
“Money, money come to me,
In abundance three times three,
May I be enriched in the best of ways,
Harming none on its way,
This I accept, so mote it be,
Bring me money three times three.” - Move the white candle one inch closer to the green candle as you chant.
- After the chanting, extinguish the flames.
- Repeat this spell for a total of nine days, each day moving the white candle one inch closer to the green candle. It is important to continually visualize the wealth you desire with each step of the spell.
- On the ninth day, when the candles touch, your spell is finished. On this last day, you may let the candles burn until there is nothing left.

2. Money-Doubling Spell
This is a simple spell used to double any denomination of paper money. You must have the money physically in your hands in order to cast this spell to double it.- First, take those fresh notes of paper money (in any denomination—the larger the denomination, the higher the reward). You may use more than one note if you wish.
- Place these bills in a new white envelope, then seal the envelope. Fold the envelope in half (folding towards you) and chant:
“Powers that be, to me shall bring,
The means to double this sum.
Hear me, you spirits which sing,
Quickly, and gently come.” - Do this once every day for seven days. As you chant, hold the envelope up in front of you and envision the envelope getting heavier. Keep the envelope full of notes in your bedroom when you are not casting the spell.
- After you’ve received the money, open the envelope and spend or deposit the money in the envelope.
Money spell poll
What do you most need money for right now?

3. The Full Moon Money Spell
Most spells are boosted by the power of the full moon, but certain rituals are specifically designed to be performed during a full moon for maximum effectiveness. You can harness the lunar power with this powerful money spell.- On the night of a full moon, fill a cauldron with water until it is half-full.
- Place a silver coin in the cauldron.
- Place the cauldron in a position that will let the moonlight shine over the water in the cauldron. Chant the words:
“Lovely Lady of the Moon,
Bring to me your wealth quite soon,
Fill my hands with silver and gold,
All you can, my purse can hold.” - Repeat the chant three times.
- Once you are finished, pour the water on the earth and keep the silver coin close to you (in your pocket or purse).
4. The Money Knot Spell
This is another simple yet potent spell. You will need a green-colored silk thread that is 13 inches long.Take the thread and starting at one end, make nine equally-spaced knots. As you make each knot, chant:
“By knot of one, my spell’s begun,Keep the knotted thread at home, in a place that allows you to see it frequently. It might be hung or displayed anywhere where you'll be sure to notice it often.
By knot of two plenty fruitful work to do,
By knot of three, money comes to me,
By knot of four, opportunity knocks at my door,
By knot of five, my business thrives,
By knot of six, this spell is fixed,
By knot of seven, success is given,
By knot of eight, increase is great,
By knot of nine, these things are mine.”
5. Green Candle Money Spell
This is an all-time favorite candle spell. To cast this spell you will need:- one green candle
- six coins (gold, copper, or silver)
- a green cloth or pouch (gold cloth is also fine)
- cinnamon
- oil (any kind you prefer)
- Prepare your altar. You may meditate for a few minutes before casting the spell to energize yourself mentally.
- Charge the green candle with the oil. Place the candle on your altar, and place the six coins around the candle in a circle.
- As you place the coins, visualize yourself having received the money
already and project your gratefulness. Light the candle and repeat this
chant three times:
“Money does flow,
Money will grow,
My Money does shine,
This Money is now mine.” - Lay out your cloth or pouch and sprinkle some cinnamon on the cloth or into the pouch.
- Then place or wrap each of the six coins into the cloth or pouch. As you pick up the coins, chant these words three times:
“Bring me money three times three
As I will it, so mote it be.” - If you are using a cloth, you can bring the ends together and tie it to form a bag. Carry the pouch with you at all times and visualize yourself receiving the money you desire.
What You Need to Cast Each Spell
Money, Money Spell
Money Doubling Spell
Full Moon Money Spell
Money Knot Spell
Green Candle Spell
Green candle
Money of any denomination
Full moon
Green thread
Green candle
White candle
White envelope
Cauldron of water
Knot skills
Six coins
Open mind
Silver coin
Open mind
Green cloth
Quiet space
Safe place
Open mind
Quiet space
Open mind
Quiet space
Safe place
Safe space
What Is Wicca?
is a Pagan religion that is widely practiced today. Although Pagan
religions pre-date Christianity, the modern Wicca known today was
introduced to the public in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner, a retired
British servant.
Since then, Wiccan spiritualism has become popular and is rapidly gaining popularity and acceptance.
Wicca is primarily focused on the love for nature and its various elements, such as the earth, sun, water, and so on. This is not to be equated with the worship of nature (a common misunderstanding) but rather the celebration of nature which includes many nature-oriented rituals.
Followers of Wicca are known as “witches.” The male witches are referred to as “Wicca” and the female witches as “Wicce.”
Since then, Wiccan spiritualism has become popular and is rapidly gaining popularity and acceptance.
Wicca is primarily focused on the love for nature and its various elements, such as the earth, sun, water, and so on. This is not to be equated with the worship of nature (a common misunderstanding) but rather the celebration of nature which includes many nature-oriented rituals.
Followers of Wicca are known as “witches.” The male witches are referred to as “Wicca” and the female witches as “Wicce.”
What Are Wiccan Spells?
Wiccan spells are essentially a set of rituals or prayers that ask the divine for help in various aspects of life. All spells must adhere to the Wiccan Rede, which is the Wiccan code of conduct, with the principle rule being “As it harm none, do as thou wilt.”This basically means that one is free to practice any ritual as long as it does not harm anyone (including himself/herself) or any element of nature.
Witches may practice in a group (called a coven), or they may practice alone. All witches write down their spells in a diary called the "Book of Shadows" which they may choose to pass along to other witches.
The more you practice these spells, the more effective they become. It is natural to feel out of place with these rituals at first, but don’t be discouraged. With time, these chants and methods will come naturally to you, allowing you to channel their full potential.So what are you waiting for? Cast your spell and live in the abundance of wealth you’ve always dreamed of.
Questions & Answers
- Hi john i need money to pay rent and i don't know how to do it help me please
- hi john i need help now so that my family will have finacial freedom when im gone from this cursed cancer that is killing me i need help now
- Pls John give me money I have 1penny that’s it thx
- Hi john I’m so broke I can’t even afford candles please help me and my family we have no one to help us we can’t afford food
- please John, am very happy to read your article but I don't really understand how you said how to do it, because I need money to be very rich, I guess if there is any means you can help me, help me please.Thank you
- I want to win the lotto 47. I hate my job and hate living paycheck to paycheck.
- Good moring,I really need money badly to end my poverty.Thank you.
- Iam really in the need of cash i wish it could work, thanks a lot!
- Thank you for your help and support for your spell
- I want to be rich
- I want to be wealthy. I am interested in casting a money spell.
- Straight to the point I live by pay check it’s not a good feeling . Especially when there’s kids and money is short . All I need is to always have money my own home to be able to get those little things that matters . Pay off a lot of accumulate bills ( debts ) and to have always couple of hundred left over to save for super hard times like now .
- i need help imidiatly i dont have money and that hinder me from living a better life.
- Please i need help like now i need a finicial break through like today please help me.. I dont understand these chants but im still doing it
- pls can u help me all what u want me to do 4u. Am lucking money pls work on it by tomorow.
- please am David and I want money to pay my debt and to rich but I don't understand some of your words,so I would like you to make the money spell by yourself for me please.
- Africa borwaDo you something else to share please...
- pls I need money to pay up my debts
- Please ineed your help to provide me with money iwant to be enriched in our vilage
- iwant to know were you are to make it posible for me.
- Hello,I"m very Interested in learning how to get worth thru these Spells. I'm a Tarot Reader,12 Year's now an I know things that others Don't. I was Wondering what kind of gift I have? I have pictures of Orbits flying around my room and I see Spirits all the time. My heart is Gold,I'm a giver but never receive anything back. Can you tell me what Gift I have?
- I need help during this
- I practice hoodoo, and when I've been in desperate need, I prayed to St. Expedite for help in getting money. He is a very understanding saint who works with everyone. A sincere prayer is all you need, but a red candle and glass of water is nice, too. Once he answers, definitely provide a nice flower and pound cake. Also, give a bit to the poor and let them know how he helped. Just thought to share. I used to think saints weren't real, but St. Expedite proved to me that wasn't the case! I'm definitely grateful. Look him up online if you want to see what I'm talking about :)
- I cherish traditional practices / treatment and others. I still love ❤ to have more insight on it.
- I was doing the spell and the candle fell down to the floor, its flame extinguished. Creeped me out since I did it at midnight. Hope it works though.
- I have been practicing witchcraft for a very long time and I find all of these spells very helpful. I have come across over $300 in the last few days just at random. I would highly recommend any of these.
- Hello ❤ firstly I feel I was meant to come across this article... I am very lost. But I'm not if that makes sense. I've always classed myself as an atheist, but my connection to animals, the water/ocean and the land is so strong. I feel incomplete and disconnected... almost like I need to find my path. Animals and nature are my life, I find so much happiness and love in my animals, and all the world's creatures. I feel very spiritual, I'm 38 and I feel I need to root down like something is missing and I'm ready to find it. Could you please point me in the direction I may need to go to find some answers? Many thanks for your time... I love the spells
- The truth is these spells works but he did not release all the inform to the core root that is the side effect of this spells
- Thank you I'm doing the 9 inch 3x3 spell and just did the full moon spell. We are desperately in need of help. my husband, 3 year old son and i are living with my parents for almost 4 years. we're in need to have our own life and live as adults. We get no help from the state they kept telling us we make to much to get help this is not true with how much rent is we really couldn't. My job pays for gas in the car and some a small bills. My husband may get a new higher paying job please I hope these spells help us get that job that's all we need is just to be ok and leaves us room to laugh again and play. I miss my husband and how we use to be. I don't want us to worrie anymore.
- I Really enjoyed this i still do not find some of these herbs ...
- I want to make money to the highest level
- I Thank This Lesson But Ineed Money
- With Belief and Strategy, it works
- A very interesting article.But I did wonder about Gerald Gardner, who I automatically understood to be a domestic servant from you description. It turns out, however, that he was a Customs Officer at some point, which is a Civil (British) or Public (US) Servant.
- Bring me money 3xs 3.. That one worked for me. I brought in some cash. I believe in this & I hope to continue these to bring more.
- does it really work
- Is it safe,and not harmful
- Thanks for the article.I have heard people getting rich through witchcraft but I didn't know how.I would like to cast these spells too because I need money.- Danny
- Is it possible to cast a spell to bring wealth to a loved one?
- Well-done....John, may ur days belong. I'll action nd revert accordingly. Blessed be!!
- Greetings sir, does this money spells works perfectly?
- I'd like to see the difference in my life
- THANK YOU for sharing this article......I loved the spell.....I really want YOU to teach me this this spell.....John....
- Just saying does this actually work. I believe in magic, but erm, many of the spells I find are faked. So, does this one work? Like this is legit right. Not like the past fake ones?
- Thanks very much for revealing the secret of money casting spells.I just want to know if someone can cast the spells for you.And Can you take that money to the bank to deposit it in your account?Thanks very much once againAhamad Bah
- I want your help for money i need it tomorrow please
- i really want u 2 teach me
- Amazing! My candle moved on top of one of the coins!
- Interesting look into the upside of the accult:-)
- Hi John. This is a delightful article. Your explanation of the Wicca faith is great with good detail. I love the spells - thank you for sharing them. Very well written article.
- Very interesting. I've heard of these but not read actual spells or known about how they are conducted.
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