Monday, August 27, 2018
How To Start Recharge Card Printing Business In Nigeria
How To Start Recharge Card Printing Business In Nigeria
In this post, I want to share with you how to start recharge card printing business in Nigeria.
No matter where you are in Nigeria, you can start making money in Nigeria by printing and selling recharge cards. Those recharge vouchers you buy by the road side, in your street etc are printed by people like you. The airtime vouchers don’t fall from heaven. I’ve been printing airtime vouchers in Nigeria for the past 8 years.
Well, starting recharge card printing business is not rocket science. You only have to put some things in place and know reliable companies that sell recharge cards pins in Nigeria. Things you need to start recharge card printing business include :
Computer : can be a desktop computer or laptop
Printer: Laserjet recommended!
A4 papers
ePins of any network you want to print
Recharge card printing software eg NetDivo ePin Manager
how to start recharge card printing business in nigeria
I did not include internet access because it’s not compulsory. Most recharge card printing softwares don’t require internet for printing recharge cards. More so, a dealer might be in your neighbourhood and getting epins from such a dealer might just be a matter of walking in to the dealer shop to pick up a flash drive or CD containing your epins.
If you are dealing with a dealer or sub dealer that is far away from you, then you will need internet access to download the epins they will be sending to your email. When doing this, it’s better you do it on your personal computer and not at a cyber cafe where anyone can access your email especially if you forget to sign out from your email account before leaving the cyber cafe.
Once you have your laptop, printer and papers ready, proceed to download recharge card printing software. Install it and ensure you learn how to use it.
You can download recharge card printing pdf by NetDivo to learn how to use the NetDivo ePin manager software for recharge cards printing.
You can download NetDivo recharge card printing software and install for FREE on your computer, but you will not be able to use it until you activate it. Activating the NetDivo software will cost you N9,500.
If you pay the N9,500 to activate your copy of the NetDivo software, you will get
sample ePin file you can print out for training purposes only
contact details of where you can buy ePins of all networks in Nigeria.
Once you have mastered how to use the software and have the contact of where you can buy ePins, then proceed to order for your ePins. Once delivered to you, upload to the recharge card printing software and print them out accordingly.
Once printed, sell and make your money.
Mind you, the volume of your sales will determine how much money you can make from recharge card printing business in Nigeria.
I hope this helps.
Feel free to ask me questions via comments and please, SHARE this with your loved ones by making use of the share buttons below.
Happy Selling!
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
100 ABBC AirDrop
To commemorate this historic event, they will be giving away 100 ABBC coins to first 500,000 users. This exclusive event was created due to the extensive response received from the public and total amount of 50,000,000ABBC will be given out during this event. ABBC Foundation wishes to invite more people worldwide to be part of the rapidly growing community of ABBC Foundation
Alibabacoin Foundation is organizing a one of its kind event that would mark the beginning of their highly functional Multi-crypto wallet. They invite anyone who is interested in the cryptocurrency and believes in its long-term future
Please follow the instructions below to get 100 ABBC and more:
The majority of consumers do not trouble reading the conditions in their insurance policy – they simply call around for lowest insurance quotes and purchase the lowest wager. In the long run, this isn’t always the best approach, and won’t always save the most money.
However, let me personally assure you, car insurance best rates are achievable. Saving money on car insurance requires a combo of techniques that improve your insurability, decrease the rate of insurance for your vehicles, and supply you with a unique benefit when it comes to purchasing car insurance.
This article will outline seven techniques that will make certain you receive the lowest possible car insurance coverage rates.

#1 – Picking the Best Insurer
Value is certainly one factor when considering car insurance, but your insurer selection should be weighted more heavily on reliability. It would be easy to call a number of insurance providers, ask for quotes, and simply pick the lowest bidder.
Value is certainly one factor when considering car insurance, but your insurer selection should be weighted more heavily on reliability. It would be easy to call a number of insurance providers, ask for quotes, and simply pick the lowest bidder.
On the other hand, even if the lowest cost insurer saves you countless bucks a year in premium payments, that savings really does you no good if you find yourself in a accident, needing car repairs or medical attention, with an unreliable and unresponsive insurance company. A good company is crucial. It’s not simply about car insurance best rates.
#2 – Modify Your Policy
Before you get started calling around, it’s important that you determine the level of insurance policy you need. Not everyone’s insurance needs are the same. Some families own two or three very expensive vehicles, while other families own only more mature used cars. Some people are members of AAA, while others are not. The particular conditions of a policy should be identified by your life situation and the value of the items being insured.
Before you get started calling around, it’s important that you determine the level of insurance policy you need. Not everyone’s insurance needs are the same. Some families own two or three very expensive vehicles, while other families own only more mature used cars. Some people are members of AAA, while others are not. The particular conditions of a policy should be identified by your life situation and the value of the items being insured.
#3 – How to be Highly Insurable
Whether you’ve already purchased car insurance, or else you are getting ready to get started on looking, one of the better things you can do to obtain the most reasonable rates is to improve those things that car insurance companies look at when they calculate your insurance premium. There are several actions you can take in the short term to improve your insurability standing, and there are also steps you can take over the permanent to improve it as well. This section will describe four major elements of this method to save money on your car insurance.
Whether you’ve already purchased car insurance, or else you are getting ready to get started on looking, one of the better things you can do to obtain the most reasonable rates is to improve those things that car insurance companies look at when they calculate your insurance premium. There are several actions you can take in the short term to improve your insurability standing, and there are also steps you can take over the permanent to improve it as well. This section will describe four major elements of this method to save money on your car insurance.
#4 – Reduce Your Car’s Insurance Rate
One more extremely effective way to obtain the lowest possible insurance policy rate is to improve those things about your car which car insurance coverage companies value the most when they calculate your insurance premium. There are several things that you can do before buying an automobile that will significantly decrease your insurance premium. In case you’ve already bought a car, however, and are looking for ways to decrease your existing insurance costs, there are still methods you can use that will substantially cut your premium costs.
One more extremely effective way to obtain the lowest possible insurance policy rate is to improve those things about your car which car insurance coverage companies value the most when they calculate your insurance premium. There are several things that you can do before buying an automobile that will significantly decrease your insurance premium. In case you’ve already bought a car, however, and are looking for ways to decrease your existing insurance costs, there are still methods you can use that will substantially cut your premium costs.
#5 – Gaming the System
In addition to all of the techniques already listed in this article, there are also additional ways that you may use the insurance coverage industries rating rules and premium calculation system in ways that will reduce your costs. Again, use the industry’s rules to get car insurance best rates.
In addition to all of the techniques already listed in this article, there are also additional ways that you may use the insurance coverage industries rating rules and premium calculation system in ways that will reduce your costs. Again, use the industry’s rules to get car insurance best rates.
#6 – Constantly Up-date Your Policy
One of the most crucial things that you can do to take care of insurance premium at a minimal is to always remember to keep track of insurance service provider of any changes in your life that can reduce your insurance costs. Failing to remember to do this can be extremely costly.
One of the most crucial things that you can do to take care of insurance premium at a minimal is to always remember to keep track of insurance service provider of any changes in your life that can reduce your insurance costs. Failing to remember to do this can be extremely costly.
#7 – Deciding on Liability Only
There comes an area in the life of a car when the decision needs to come in whether or not it is worthwhile to maintain collision and comprehensive insurance plan.
There comes an area in the life of a car when the decision needs to come in whether or not it is worthwhile to maintain collision and comprehensive insurance plan.
Getting Rock Bottom Insurance policy Rates
If you carefully follow each of the sections outlined in this guide, you are guaranteed to receive the lowest possible insurance policy rates for anyone within your calculated risk group. No one should ever before overpay for auto insurance – especially given the truth that there are so many insurance companies in the industry competing for your business.
If you carefully follow each of the sections outlined in this guide, you are guaranteed to receive the lowest possible insurance policy rates for anyone within your calculated risk group. No one should ever before overpay for auto insurance – especially given the truth that there are so many insurance companies in the industry competing for your business.
Most people overpay for car insurance out of sheer laziness. However the consumer that understands how car insurance works, and is clever enough to take good thing about most of its loopholes, will save significantly on their superior in the long run.
Before you decide to step foot into another insurance office, or visit another insurance website, make sure you print this guide and follow it carefully in order to make certain you get the best insurance package possible. Remember, car insurance policy best rates are achievable.
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